Tantric Lingam & Prostaatmassage
Erotische massage
11 maanden
Wil je even helemaal niks aan je hoofd hebben?
Helemaal in het moment zijn. Stilte.
De energieën door je hele lichaam voelen?
Dan ben je welkom voor een Tantric Energetic Full Body Massage in de Temple Space.
Zodra je binnenkomt, voel je je helemaal relaxed. Fijn muziekje, kaarsen, relaxte geuren.
Je weet dat er meer is in het leven. Dat het niet alleen druk hoeft te zijn.
Hi dears,
Reis rond en geef privesessies, workshops, retreats en online programma’s over Tantra, Sacred Sexuality, Intimacy, Taoism and Orgasmic Bliss in a Juicy & Magickal mix of Mystery.
Laatste plekken - last month - vertrek voor een paar maandjes naar Bali.
Hierbij in het Engels omschrijving van de Tantric Energetic Full Body Massage.
Je kunt ook de focus leggen op de Prostaatmassage of het beoefenen van ejaculatiekeuze > Full Body Orgasm, los van ejaculatie.
Daarnaast doe ik ook:
- Intimacy Coaching
- Anal Awakening (maak kennis met de kracht en plezier van je anus & eventueel prostaat)
- Anal Surrender (1 vinger of wellicht wel fisting)
Stuur me een WhatsApp als je een Sessie wilt boeken. Met je naam en welke Sessie je wilt boeken. Dan hebben we even een gesprekje. En als het goed voelt, kun je ook een kijkje nemen op mijn Instagram profiel, waar je meer foto's en info kan vinden. En de link naar mijn kalender, waar je een tijd kunt uitzoeken.
During the Tantric Full Body Energetic Massage you'll fully receive and surrender to my Touch, Presence and Shakti Energy in a Sacred Space.
Practicing Tantric principles of breath, sound, awareness, presence, slowing down and letting go – so you can connect more deeply with your body, your sensuality, heart and the Divine – or how you want to call it :) Something bigger than us.
Experience how it is to breathe more fully, using breath patterns and awareness of touch points in your body to move your energy. So you can feel more sensations throughout your body. Feel energies. Become more sensitive, aware and present. Become a better lover to yourself and your partner. Not only during Self Pleasure and Love Making, but also in Life.
Through massaging your whole body and certain points where energetic blockages can be, your body opens up, so the energy can flow more freely. With intimate touch and including massaging your Lingam, Sanskrit for Sacred Wand of Light and your butt & prostate/anus (if your body and you are open for it).
The Pelvic Area has a lot of energetic points that can be opened and release tension and blockages – especially around control, money, safety and that is where the Kundalini, Sexual Energy is stored. If we clear the pathways, it opens up the way to move the Sexual Energy throughout the body. Otherwise it has no other way than to release via your Lingam – ejaculation and peak orgasm.
This is another Tantric and Taoist principle: separating Orgasm from Ejaculation. To choose whether you want to ejaculate or not. You can experience orgasms without ejaculation – full body orgasms, which are more subtle and deep, with longer and more waves. As opposed to a peak orgasm through ejaculation. And this will cultivate your energy inside your body as well, keeping you more vibrant.
Moving from Sex to Spirit. Yes embracing your sexuality and going beyond.
At the end of the journey you'll get space to further expand and integrate.
All of you is welcome in the Temple Space. Ejaculation – no ejaculation, hard cock – soft cock, you can express your desires (I'll hold my boundaries), emotions or whatever wants to come up.
It's a journey which can be healing, transformative, expansive, pleasurable – whatever needs to happen, will happen. And that differs every Session as well.
Healing Premature Ejaculation and Erectile Dysfunction. Becoming a better lover.
And with every Session or Practice you will expand even more.
Everything you experience during the Session, I advise you to further practice at home.
PRICING Tantric Full Body Massage
- 2-hour session €395
+ €100 for body to body
Send me a text message or Telegram message if you'd like to book a Session. With your name and which Session you'd like to book. We'll have a little chat. And if it all feels good, I'll send you a link to my Instagram where you'll find more pics & info about me. And the link to my calendar, where you can pick a time.
Deluxe add-on is possible, when it feels right. So feel free to share your extra desires. And let’s have a chat.
Looking forward seeing you soon!
An international facilitator, traveling the world sharing Tantra, Sacred Sexuality, Intimacy, Taoism and Orgasmic Bliss in a juicy & magickal mix of mystery.
Loving creating safe & sacred spaces to fully express yourself and enjoy more pleasure, intimacy & shine. Unleashing and tapping into your sexual energy to step into your full power. And feel more. More juicy, sensual, sexual, orgasmic, playful and energetically connected.
Through her own journey of connecting with her feminine, sexuality & intimacy - the Tantric Temple path is now the natural way of living and sharing. Releasing shame and guilt around our sexuality in a sensual & playful way.
With a Master in Psychology, experience as energy worker, Tantric teacher and Sacred Sexuality practitioner and gaining transmissions in Magickal India, Thailand, Bali and more - she's now sharing through workshops, events, retreats and private sessions.